Special Session 30: 

Existence of a self-similar solution to a problem of a model of chemotaxis in higher dimensions

Hiroshi Wakui
Tokyo University of Science
Co-Author(s):    P. Biler, G. Karch
In this talk, we consider the existence of a forward self-similar solution to the minimal Keller-Segel model in several space dimensions. The system has the scaling invariance and the initial value problem of the minimal Keller-Segel system has its self-similar singular stationary solution, so called, the Chandrasekhar solution which is explicitly given by $u_{C}(x) = \frac{2(n-2)}{|x|^{2}}, x \in \mathbb{R}^n \ (n \ge 3)$. We will show the existence of a radially symmetric forward self-similar solution $u=u(t,x)$ to the initial value problem of the minimal Keller-Segel system with the singular initial datum $u_{0}(x) = \epsilon u_{C}(x)$ for $\epsilon \in (0,1)$.