Special Session 97: 

Turing-Turing-Hopf instability in a two-components reaction-diffusion system

Shunsuke Kobayashi
Graduate school of science and technology, Meiji University
Co-Author(s):    Hirofumi Izuhara
In this talk, we derive the normal form for the Turing-Turing-Hopf (or, $0^{2} : \pm \mathrm{i} \omega$) bifurcation from a two-components reaction-diffusion system. Usually, two-components reaction-diffusion systems have cxdimension-two bifurcation. Although, if we add a parameter to the reaction term, then the system can have codimension-three bifurcation. We will see that the Turing-Turing-Hopf bifurcation induces the traveling waves, modulated traveling waves, heteroclinic cycles, invariant surfaces and chaotic dynamics. Furthermore, some numerical experiments for the reaction-diffusion system and the normal form will be shown.