Special Session 5: Scientific Computation and Numerical Algorithms

Sequential Predictors for Control Systems with Input Delays

Michael Malisoff
Louisiana State University
Control systems arise in a plethora of engineering applications in which measurements of the current state of the system may not be available. This has led to a large literature on the design of feedback controls that achieve uniform global asymptotic stabilization using only time lagged measurements of states of the system instead of current measurements, which produce control systems with input delays. One approach to addressing this challenge is to solve the feedback stabilization problem for the system with the input delay set equal to zero, and then to compute upper bounds on the allowable delays that ensure that the feedback control continues to ensure uniform global asymptotic stabilization when input delays are present. Other approaches include prediction methods that can compensate for arbitrarily long input delays, but which often produce feedback controls with distributed terms that can be difficult to compute. This talk presents the speaker`s alternative approach to delay compensation based on sequential predictors, which can compensate for arbitrarily long input delays, including in nonlinear control systems, or systems with time-varying delays, without distributed terms. No prerequisite background in control theory will be needed to understand this talk. The work is joint with Frederic Mazenc.