Special Session 105: 

Existence and multiplicity of sign-changing solutions of nonlocal problems with integrodifferential operators

Fukun Zhao
Yunnan Normal University
Peoples Rep of China
Co-Author(s):    Guanze, Gu; Yuanyang Yu; Wei Zhang
\begin{document} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{center} {\Large Existence and multiplicity of sign-changing solutions of nonlocal problems with integrodifferential operators} {Fukun Zhao}\ Department of Mathematics, Yunnan Normal University,\ Kunming, China\ {Email: \verbfukunzhao@163.com} \end{center} \textbf{Abstract}: This talk is based on some recent joint works with Dr. Guangze Gu, Mr. Yuanyang Yu and Dr. Wei Zhang. We will report some new results on the existence and multiplicty of sign-changing solutions of nonlocal problems with integrodifferential operators including fractional Laplace operators. \end{document}