Special Session 101: 

On some properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the $p$-Laplacian

Vladimir Bobkov
University of West Bohemia
Czech Rep
Consider the nonlinear eigenvalue problem for the $p$-Laplacian \begin{equation*} -\Delta_p u = \lambda |u|^{p-2} u ~~\mathrm{in}~~ \Omega, \quad u = 0 ~~\mathrm{on}~~ \partial\Omega, \end{equation*} and denote by $(\lambda(p), \varphi_p) \in \mathbb{R} \times W_0^{1,p}(\Omega)$ its eigenpairs. In the present talk, we give a survey of various properties of $\lambda(p)$ and $\varphi_p$ obtained recently in co-authorship with B.~Audoux, P.~Dr\`abek, S.~Kolonitskii, E.~Parini, M.~Tanaka. In particular, we show that $\varphi_p$ and $\varphi_q$ are linearly independent provided $p\neq q$; the nodal set of any second eigenfunction $\varphi_p$ intersects with the boundary $\partial \Omega$ provided $\Omega$ is Steiner symmetric; if $\Omega$ is a disk, then there can occur eigenfunctions $\varphi_p$ whose nodal structure is impossible in the linear case $p=2$. Also, we show that $\lambda(p)$ can be non-monotone with respect to $p$, and if $\Omega$ is a disk, then radial and nonradial eigenfunctions can be associated with the same eigenvalue, which is again impossible for $p=2$.