Special Session 100: 

A Positive Asymptotic Preserving Scheme for Linear Kinetic Transport Equations

M. Paul Laiu
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Co-Author(s):    Paul Laiu, Martin Frank, Cory Hauck
We present a positive and asymptotic preserving numerical scheme for solving linear transport equations. The proposed scheme is developed based on a standard spectral angular discretization and classical micro-macro decomposition. The three main ingredients are a semi-implicit temporal discretization, a dedicated finite difference spatial discretization, and positivity limiters in the angular discretization. We show that the proposed scheme is asymptotic preserving in the sense that when the mean-free-path of the particles goes to zero, the scheme achieves a standard numerical scheme for the limiting diffusion equation. We also prove that the proposed scheme preserves positivity of the spatial particle concentration in the solution, which fixes a common defect of spectral angular discretizations. The proposed scheme is tested on two benchmark problems, one with uniform material and one with two types of material embedded as a checkerboard. We also perform a space-time accuracy test and compare the numerical results with theoretical estimates.