Special Session 11: 

Oscillations in the near-field feeding current of a calanoid copepod are useful for particle sensing

Peter Hinow
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Co-Author(s):    Carl Giuffre, Houshuo Jiang, J. Rudi Strickler
Copepods are small crustaceans that constitute a major element of aquatic ecosystems. Key to their success is their feeding apparatus consisting of sensor-studded mouth appendages that are in constant motion. These appendages generate a feeding current to enhance the encounter probability with food items. Additionally, sensing enables the organism to determine the position and quality of food particles, and to alter the near-field flow to capture and manipulate the particles for ingestion or rejection. We observe a freely swimming copepod \textit{Leptodiaptomus sicilis} in multiple perspectives together with suspended particles that allow us to analyze the flow field created by the animal. We observe a highly periodic motion of the mouth appendages that is mirrored in oscillations of nearby tracer particles. We propose that the phase shift between the fluid and the particle velocities is sufficient for mechanical detection of the particles entrained in the feeding current.