Special Session 117: 

The Stefan problem for the Fisher-KPP equation with unbounded initial range

Weiwei Ding
Meiji University
Co-Author(s):    Yihong Du, Zongming Guo
We consider the nonlinear Stefan problem \[ \left \{ \begin{array} {ll} u_t-d \Delta u=a u-bu^2 \;\; & \mbox{for $x \in \Omega (t), \; t>0$},\ u=0 \hbox{ and } u_t=\mu|\nabla_x u |^2 \;\;&\mbox{for $x \in \partial\Omega (t),\; t>0$}, \ u(0,x)=u_0 (x) \;\; & \mbox{for $x \in \Omega_0$}, \end{array} \right. \] where $\Omega(0)=\Omega_0$ is an unbounded smooth domain in $\mathbb{R}^N$, $u_0>0$ in $\Omega_0$ and $u_0$ vanishes on $\partial\Omega_0$. When $\Omega_0$ is bounded, the long-time behavior of this problem has been rather well-understood. Here we reveal some interesting different behavior for certain unbounded $\Omega_0$. We also give a unified approach for a weak solution theory to this kind of free boundary problems with bounded or unbounded $\Omega_0$.