Special Session 143: 

A multiscale crowd evacuation model capturing the effect of environment awareness in the presence of fire and smoke

Omar Richardson
Karlstad University
Co-Author(s):    Omar Richardson and Adrian Muntean
We study the evacuation dynamics of a crowd wanting to escape from a complex geometry in the presence of a fire as well as of a slowly spreading smoke curtain. The crowd we have in view is composed of two populations of individuals: one knowing the map of the building and one unaware of the given geometry, relying exclusively on potentially informed neighbors to identify a path of motion towards the exit. We aim at capturing the e ffect the knowledge of the environment has on the interaction between evacuees and their residence time in the presence of fi re and evolving smoke. Our approach is genuinely multiscale -- we employ a hybrid (continuum-discrete-stochastic) model that can distinguish between compressible and incompressible pedestrian flow regimes and allows for two-scale (micro and macro) pedestrian interactions. Simulations illustrate the expected qualitative behavior of the model. This is a joint work also with Andrei Jalba (TU Eindhoven, NL).