Abstract: |
We present the design of a low energy transfer from the Earth to the Moon by using the coupled 3-body system with perturbations for modeling the restricted planar 4-body system of the Sun-Earth-Moon-spacecraft system. In particular, to apply the tube dynamics, we regard the 4-body system as the coupled system of the Sun-Earth-spacecraft 3-body system perturbed by the Moon and the Earth-Moon-spacecraft 3-body system perturbed by the Sun. In both perturbed systems, analogs of stable and unstable manifolds are numerically analyzed and we show how to obtain a family of non-transit orbits departing from a low Earth orbit in the Moon-perturbed system as well as a family of transit orbits arriving into a low lunar orbit in the Sun-perturbed system. Finally, we construct a low energy transfer from the Earth to the Moon from both families and patching these trajectories so that the required Delta V can be minimized under given conditions. This talk is based on the joint work with Kaori Onozaki and Shane Ross. |