Special Session 8: 

Complex Dynamics of Bifurcating Front Solutions in a Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion System

Hideo Ikeda
University of Toyama
In the paper Butterfly catastrophe for fronts in a three-component reaction-diffusion system (J. Nonlinear Science (2015)25,87-129) by C.-Bruckner et al, several interesting front dynamics are studied. Based on this work, we want to discuss a bifurcation from a standing front solution of the above system. That is, we reduce the PDE dynamics to a finite-dimensional ODE system explicitly on a center manifold near a drift bifurcation point and analyze the dynamics of the reduced ODE system for several parameters. This indicates that the three-component system show a complex dynamics compared to the corresponding two-component system. Finally, we consider the type of criticality of the triple zero eigenvalue of the linearized eigenvalue problem.