Special Session 141: 

Inverse Phaseless Scattering Uniqueness on the Line with Partial Information on Potential

Lung-Hui Chen
National Chung Cheng University
Co-Author(s):    N/A
We study to determine the scattering source given certain knowledge of the potential scatterer. In one-dimensional problem, the scattering matrix consists of $2\times 2$ entires of meromorphic functions. For the compactly-supported perturbation, we are able to quantitatively estimate the zeros and poles of each meromorphic entry. The size of potential support is connected to the zero density of scattered wave field. If we assume that the unknown part of potential is comparatively smaller than its known counterpart, then the unknown part is uniquely determined from the magnitude of transmission coefficient which is the magnitude of Fourier transform of certain traveling wave solution of Schr\{o}dinger equation.