Special Session 55: 

Wave-breaking equations, generalized peakons, and their properties

Stephen Anco
Brock University
Co-Author(s):    Elena Recio
In the past few decades in water wave theory, there has been considerable interest in nonlinear dispersive equations that model breaking waves. The best known example is the Camassa-Holm equation, which exhibits wave-breaking behaviour for a large class of initial data and also possesses exact travelling wave solutions having a peak. These solutions, called peakons, are not classical solutions but instead are weak or distributional solutions. \medskip This talk discusses recent work on a large family of nonlinear dispersive equations that generalize the Camassa-Holm equation and possess single and multi peakon solutions. The nonlinearities in these equations can be much stronger than the nonlinearity in the Camassa-Holm equation, and this has led to finding novel behaviour for 2-peakon interactions (such as bound pairs) as well as generalized peakon solutions (exhibiting acceleration, blow-up, decay, and other behaviour).