Special Session 45: 

Stationary Distributions and Convergence Rates for Semistochastic Processes

Alexander Grigo
University of Oklahoma
Co-Author(s):    James Broda, Nikola Petrov
We consider a semistochastic continuous-time continuous-state space random process $\{X(t)\}_{t\geq 0}$ that models deterministic growths (governed by an autonomous ODE) that is subject to (downward) jumps due to random severity events occurring at random times. The times of occurrence of the disturbances are modeled by a Poisson process whose rate $\Lambda$ is allowed to depend on the value of $X(t)$. At each time $t$ a random event occurs the value $X(t^-)$ is multiplied by a continuous random variable (``severity``) supported on $[0,1]$, which gives the value of $X(t)$. An important example of such a process is the dynamics of the carbon content of a forest whose deterministic growth is interrupted by natural disasters (fires, droughts, insect outbreaks, etc.). The time-dependent distribution of the process $\{X(t)\}_{t\geq 0}$ satisfies an integro-differential PDE. We derive explicit expressions for the stationary distribution of the random process, and we develop a method for giving an upper bound of the rate at which the distribution of $X(t)$ approaches the stationary distribution. This is a collaboration with James Broda and Nikola Petrov.