Special Session 20: Poster Session

Expoenential Attractors for Random Dynamical Systems in Banach Spaces

Stefanie Sonner
Radboud University Nijmegen
Co-Author(s):    Tomas Caraballo
Exponential attractors of infinite dimensional dynamical systems are compact, semi-invariant sets of finite fractal dimension that attract all bounded subsets at an exponential rate. They contain the global attractor and, due to the exponential rate of convergence, are generally more stable under perturbations than global attractors. In the autonomous setting exponential attractors have been studied for several decades and their existence has been shown for a large variety of dissipative equations. More recently, using the pullback approach the theory has been extended to non-autonomous and random problems. We present general existence results for random pullback exponential attractors in Banach spaces and derive explicit estimates on their fractal dimension. As an application a stochastic semilinear damped wave equation is considered.