Special Session 37: 

Some results on the stochastic Langrangian Averaged Euler equations and grade two fluid on non-smooth domain: Well-posedness and regularity

Paul Andre P Razafimandimby
University of Pretoria
So Africa
In this talk we will present some results obtained from the analysis of the stochastic Lagrangian Averaged Euler equations and grade two fluid filling a bounded Lipschitz domain $O$. We will mainly talk about the existence of $H^1(O)$ weak martingale solution on any bounded Lipschitz domain $O$. Furthermore, we show that when $O$ is a convex polygon the solution $\mathbf{u}$ lives in the Sobolev space $W^{2,r}(O)$ for some $r>2$. We also prove that the \textit{vorticity} $curl(\mathbf{u}-\alpha \Delta \mathbf{u})$, where $\mathbf{u}$ is the solution, is continuous in $L^2(\mathscr{O})$ with respect to the time variable.