Special Session 42: 

Sustained oscillations in three-dimensional nonlinear iteroparous Leslie matrix models

Ryusuke Kon
University of Miyazaki
A Leslie matrix model is an age-structured population model described by a system of difference equations. The model is categorized as semelparous or iteroparous, depending on reproduction strategies. The semelparous model is well studied under the assumption that the basic reproduction number $\mathcal{R}_0$ is slightly larger than the unity. Such studies reveal that it is unlikely that the semelparous model with two or three age-classes exhibits sustained oscillations if $\mathcal{R}_0 \approx 1$. In the semelparous model, individuals of the same age is assumed to reproduce strictly in the same age. However, it is unlikely in nature. In this talk, we relax the assumption of semelparity and consider the iteroparous model. Then we find that the iteroparous model with three age-classes can exhibit sustained oscillations even if $\mathcal{R}_0 \approx 1$.