Special Session 25: 

Orbital Elements Distribution of the Invariant Manifolds Associated to the Lyapunov Family of Periodic Orbits around $L_1$ and $L_2$

Masaya M Saito
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
One of the key questions on the origin of Jovian irregular satellites, characterized by their highly eccentric orbit and small mass, is how they are transferred to the present place. These satellite are believed to be captured by Jupiter, rather than formed in situ. We employ Lyapunov periodic orbits (LOs) as a formal definition of the vicinity of Jupiter and numerically track the orbital distribution of the invarianet manifold of a LO, varying Jacobi constant $C_J$. The numerical tracking of the manifold is carried out directly via repeated Poincar\`e mapping of points initially allocated densely on a fragment of the manifolds near the fixed points, with the assistance of MPFR multiprecision arithmetics. The numerical computations shows that the distribution of semi-major axis of points on the manifolds are quite heavy tailed while its median spans roughly 1-2x the Jovian orbital radius.