Display Abstract

Title Chemostats with random inputs

Name Tomas Caraballo
Country Spain
Email caraball@us.es
Co-Author(s) Xiaoying Han, Peter E. Kloeden
Submit Time 2014-02-24 18:13:08
Special Session 6: Random dynamical systems in the life sciences
Chemostat refers to a laboratory device used for growing microorganisms in a cultured environment, and has been regarded as an idealization of nature to study competition modeling of mathematical biology. The simple form of chemostat model assumes that the availability of nutrient and its supply rate are both fixed. However, these assumptions largely limit the applicability of chemostat models to realistic competition systems. In this work, we relax these assumptions and study the chemostat models with random nutrient supplying rate or random input nutrient concentration. This leads the models to random dynamical systems and requires the concept of random attractors developed in the theory of random dynamical systems. We will report on the existence of uniformly bounded non-negative solutions, existence of random attractors and geometric details of random attractors for different value of parameters.