Display Abstract

Title A blow up result for fourth order differential equations

Name Petronela Radu
Country USA
Email pradu@math.unl.edu
Co-Author(s) Daniel Toundykov and Jeremy Trageser
Submit Time 2014-02-24 13:01:17
Special Session 52: Nonlinear evolution equations
The study of fourth order differential equations has recently intensified in the context of studying the behavior of traveling waves for nonlinear suspension bridges. I will present a blow-up result for the equation \[ u^{(4)}+ku''+f(u)=0 \] where $f$ is super linear with $f(u)u>0$ and when $k>0$. Previous work by Gazzola and his collaborators solved the case $k\leq 0$. The case $k>0$ is physically significant as it corresponds to $k=c^2$ with $c$ being the speed of propagation of the traveling wave.