Display Abstract

Title Positive solutions for logistic problems with spatial heterogeneities, nonlinear mixed boundary conditions and a bifurcation parameter on the boundary conditions

Name Santiago S Cano-Casanova
Country Spain
Email scano@upcomillas.es
Submit Time 2014-02-24 11:34:57
Special Session 18: Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems
In this talk will be analyzed the existence, uniqueness and stability of the positive solutions of a very general class of logistic problems with spatial heterogeneities and nonlinear mixed boundary conditions with potentials which may change of sign on the boundary. The results will be obtained in term of the balance of the exponents of the nonlinearities in the PDE and in the boundary conditions, in term of the signs of the potentials on the boundary and in term of the size of the superlinear part of the nonlinearity in the boundary conditions.