Display Abstract

Title Stability analysis of a complex time-delay system for leukemia

Name Rodica Radulescu
Country Romania
Email nicola_rodica@yahoo.com
Co-Author(s) I.R. Radulescu, D. Candea, A. Halanay
Submit Time 2014-02-24 09:31:12
Special Session 66: Deterministic and stochastic models in biology and medicine
In this work, we characterize the steady states and analyze their stability properties in a complex, strongly nonlinear model of delay-differential equations with multiple delays, for cell evolution in leukemia. The competition on space between healthy and leukemic cell populations is taken into consideration. Three types of division that a stem-like cell can undergo, asymmetric division, self-renew and differentiation are also considered. Numerical results and simulations are discussed in relation to clinical implications of the proposed model.