Display Abstract

Title Variational Solutions to Nonlinear Diffusion Equations with Singular Diffusivity

Name Gabriela G Marinoschi
Country Romania
Email gmarino@acad.ro
Co-Author(s) Gabriela Marinoschi
Submit Time 2014-02-24 03:27:03
Special Session 91: Variational methods for evolution equations
We provide existence results for nonlinear diffusion equations with multivalued time-dependent nonlinearities derived from convex l.s.c. potentials, under minimal growth and coercivity conditions. Following a variational principle, we prove that a generalized solution of the nonlinear equation can be retrieved as a solution of an appropriate minimization problem for a convex functional involving the potential and its conjugate. In some cases, under further assumptions the null minimizer in the minimization problem is found to coincide with a weak solution to the nonlinear equation. Applications to various physical models (e.g., self-organized criticality) are discussed.