Display Abstract

Title Blow-up for the wave equation with nonlinear source and boundary damping terms

Name Enzo Vitillaro
Country Italy
Email enzo.vitillaro@unipg.it
Co-Author(s) Alessio Fiscella
Submit Time 2014-02-22 04:59:41
Special Session 97: Analysis and control of nonlinear partial differential equation evolution systems
The talk will deals with blow--up for the solutions of an evolution problem consisting on a semilinear wave equation posed in a bounded $C^{1,1}$ open subset of $I\!\!R^n$, supplied with a Neumann boundary condition involving a nonlinear dissipation. The typical problem studied is $$u_{tt}-\Delta u=|u|^{p-2}u \qquad \mbox{in $[0,\infty)\times\Omega$,}$$ $$ u=0\qquad \mbox{on $(0,\infty)\times\Gamma_0$,}$$ $$ \partial_\nu u =-\alpha(x)\left(|u_t|^{m-2}u_t+\beta |u_t|^{\mu-2}u_t\right) \qquad \mbox{on $(0,\infty)\times\Gamma_1$,}$$ $$ u(0,x)=u_0(x),\qquad u_t(0,x)=u_1(x)\mbox{in $\Omega$,}$$ where $\partial\Omega=\Gamma_0\cup\Gamma_1$, $\Gamma_0\cap \Gamma_1=\emptyset$, $\sigma(\Gamma_0)>0$, $21$, $\alpha\in L^\infty(\Gamma_1)$, $\alpha\ge 0$, $\beta\ge 0$. The initial data are posed in the energy space. The aim of the talk is to present some recent improvements to previous blow--up results concerning the problem.