Display Abstract

Title Blow up and asymptotic behavior in a nondissipative nonlinear wave equation

Name Jorge A Esquivel-Avila
Country Mexico
Email jaea72@gmail.com
Submit Time 2014-02-21 21:42:10
Special Session 86: Nonlinear evolution equations and related topics
A nonlinear wave equation without damping and with a superlinear source term is considered. Qualitative behavior of solutions is studied. In particular, the dynamics around the ground state is analyzed. Partial results for blow up, boundedness, convergence and rates of decay to the set of nonzero equilibria as $t \rightarrow \infty$ are proved. Several invariant and positive invariant sets are defined. Reference: Esquivel-Avila, J. A. Blow up and asymptotic behavior in a nondissipative nonlinear wave equation. Applicable Analysis. In press, 2014.