Display Abstract

Title On a Discrete Selection-Mutation Model: Competitive Exclusion and Uniform Persistence

Name Paul Salceanu
Country USA
Email salceanu@louisiana.edu
Co-Author(s) Azmy S. Ackleh and Robert J. Sacker
Submit Time 2014-02-21 21:29:46
Special Session 66: Deterministic and stochastic models in biology and medicine
A discrete-time population model in which individuals are distributed over a discrete phenotypic trait-space is studied. It is shown that, for an irreducible mutation matrix $\Gamma$, if mutation is small, then an interior equilibrium exists, that is globally asymptotically stable in $\mathbb{R}^n \setminus \{0\}$, while for arbitrary large mutation each trait persists uniformly. For the model reduced to only two traits, conditions for the global stability of the interior equilibrium are provided. When structure is introduced in the model, namely when mutation matrix $\Gamma$ has block-diagonal form, with each diagonal block being irreducible, competitive exclusion among traits is analyzed and sufficient conditions are given for one trait to drive all the other traits to extinction.