Display Abstract

Title Detecting order in an ordinal pattern

Name Bernd Pompe
Country Germany
Email pompe@uni-greifswald.de
Submit Time 2014-02-21 06:14:53
Special Session 68: Entropy-like quantities and applications
In practical time series analysis we are dealing with samples of finite size $T$, often $10 \ll T < 1000$. On an ordinal level, such a sample forms an ordinal pattern (OP). If there are no tied ranks, the OP is a permutation of $(1,2,\ldots,T)$. If the series is a finite realization of a continuous iid process, each possible OP occurs with the same probability $1/T!$. This is called completely unordered behavior. However, a given process might not generate all these permutations. This holds especially for chaotic time series. In the talk some proposals are made to detect order by a recurrence analysis within an OP leading to entropy--like quantities.