Display Abstract

Title Analysis of dispersal effects in metapopulation models

Name Alfonso Ruiz-Herrera
Country Hungary
Email alfonsoruiz@ugr.es
Submit Time 2014-02-21 04:17:13
Special Session 30: Discrete dynamics and applications
The interplay between local dynamics and the movement of the population in discrete metapopulation models is studied. In considering homogeneous landscapes, we characterize when there is synchronization independently of the strategy of dispersal. In particular, our analytic results support the numerical studies of Allen et al in Chaos reduces special extinction by amplifying local population noise, Nature 364 (1993), 229--232 ; and Heino et al in Synchronous dynamics and rates of extinction in spatially structured populations, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 264 (1997), 481--486 where these authors prove that a chaotic behavior in the local dynamics reduces the degree of synchrony. In considering heterogeneous landscapes, we study global attractivity, compensating role of dispersal, chaotic dynamics, and some counterintuitive phenomena involving Allee's effect. Relative to these counterintuitive phenomena, on the one hand we provide some insights to guarantee the salvage effect introduced by Gyllenberg et al in Bifurcation Analysis of a metapopulation model with sources and sinks, J. Nonlinear Sci. 6 (1996), 329--366. On the other hand, we discuss when dispersal can produce global extinction independently of the dynamics within the patches.