Display Abstract

Title Enveloping and Population Models

Name Paul Cull
Country USA
Email pc@cs.orst.edu
Submit Time 2014-02-20 15:55:11
Special Session 30: Discrete dynamics and applications
One dimensional nonlinear difference equations are commonly used to model population growth. Although such models can display wild behavior including chaos, the standard population models have the interesting property that they are globally stable if they are locally stable. We show that models with a single positive equilibrium are globally stable if they are {\em enveloped} by a self-inverse function. In particular, we show that the standard population models are enveloped by linear fractional functions which are self-inverse. Although enveloping by a linear fractional is sufficient for global stability, we show by example that such enveloping is not necessary. We extend our results by showing that {\em enveloping implies global stability} even when $f(x)$ is a discontinuous multifunction, which may be a more reasonable description of real biological data. We also show that our techniques can be applied to situations which are not population models. Finally, we give examples of population models which have local stability but not global stability.