Display Abstract

Title Structured population equations modeling erythropoiesis and applications to dialysis treatment

Name Franz Kappel
Country Austria
Email franz.kappel@uni-graz.at
Co-Author(s) Doris H. Fuertinger
Submit Time 2014-02-20 13:51:57
Special Session 66: Deterministic and stochastic models in biology and medicine
We present a model for erythropoiesis including a sub-model for the iron dynamics in the body. The core of the model consists of structured population equations for the different cell stages which have to be considered. In order to link the model for the iron dynamics to the structured population equations in a physiologically correct way we have to consider structured population equations with up to three structuring attributes. We shall also consider approximation schemes based on the theory of abstract evolution equations which provide approximating finite dimensional dynamical systems which can advantageously be used for parameter estimation. Finally, we shall present some applications of the model to issues in the dialysis treatment. \medskip\noindent{\bf References.}\newline [1] Fuertinger, D.H., Kappel, F., Thijssen, S., Levin, N., and Kotanko, P.: {\emph A model of erythropoiesis in adults with sufficient iron availability.} J. Math. Biol. {\bf 66}(6), 1209 -- 1240 (2013).\newline [2] Ito, K., and Kappel, F.: Evolution Equations and Approximations. World Scientific, Singapoore (2002).\newline [3] Kappel, F., and Zhang, K.: {\emph Approximation of linear age-structured population models using Legendre polynomials}. J. Math. Anal. Appl. {\bf 180}, 518 -- 549 (1993).