Display Abstract

Title Hopf Bifurcation in a Gene Regulatory Network Model: Molecular Movement Causes Oscillations

Name Mariya Ptashnyk
Country Scotland
Email mptashnyk@maths.dundee.ac.uk
Co-Author(s) Mark Chaplain, Marc Sturrock
Submit Time 2014-02-20 04:47:44
Special Session 8: Emergence and dynamics of patterns in nonlinear partial differential equations from mathematical science
Gene regulatory networks lie at the heart of many important intracellular signal transduction processes. In this paper we analyse a mathematical model of a canonical gene regulatory network consisting of a single negative feedback loop between a protein and its mRNA. The model consists of two partial differential equations describing the spatio-temporal interactions between the protein and its mRNA. Such intracellular negative feedback systems are known to exhibit oscillatory behaviour. Our results show that the diffusion coefficient of the protein/mRNA acts as a bifurcation parameter and gives rise to a Hopf bifurcation. This shows that the spatial movement of the mRNA and protein molecules alone is sufficient to cause the oscillations. Applying linearized stability analysis we study the stability of a spatially inhomogeneous steady state of the model and prove the existence of two Hopf bifurcation point. The local stability of periodic solutions, bifurcating from the steady state, is shown using a weakly nonlinear analysis and normal form theory.