Display Abstract

Title Dynamical properties of the MAP kinase cascade

Name Alan D Rendall
Country Germany
Email rendall@uni-mainz.de
Submit Time 2014-02-20 04:21:33
Special Session 122: Dynamics of networks in biology and chemistry
This talk is concerned with mathematical models for the MAP kinase cascade, a pattern of chemical reactions of central importance in molecular biology. It is based on work done in collaboration with Juliette Hell. Existing numerical and heuristic work indicates that the ODE models for this biological system exhibit a variety of dynamical behaviour including more than one stable stationary solution for given parameter values, periodic solutions and chaos. It will be shown how a rigorous mathematical treatment of some of these features of the model can be given using bifurcation theory and geometric singular perturbation theory. A central aspect of this is the phenomenon of sequestration which leads to the appearance of networks with feedback as a limit of networks without manifest feedback.