Display Abstract

Title Topological methods for semi-linear evolution equations in abstract spaces

Name Luisa Malaguti
Country Italy
Email luisa.malaguti@unimore.it
Submit Time 2014-02-18 04:34:37
Special Session 50: Evolution equations and inclusions with applications to control, mathematical modeling and mechanics
This talk deals with a semi-linear evolution equation in a Banach space: x'(t) = Ax(t) + f(t, x(t)) which is the abstract formulation of many concrete differential models. The densely defined linear part A generates a strongly continuous semigroup of contractions; the nonlinear term f is continuos and possibly super-linear in x. A wide family of nonlocal associated boundary problems is studied, including Periodic, anti-periodic, mean value and multipoint conditions. The investigation is based on topological techniques and suitable Lyaponov-like functions for guaranteing the required transversality are introduced. Applications to the study of nonlocal population diffusion models complete this discussion.