Display Abstract

Title Quiescent phases and delay equations

Name Karl P Hadeler
Country Germany
Email hadeler@uni-tuebingen.de
Submit Time 2014-02-18 04:03:35
Special Session 5: Differential delay equations
We consider systems where a vector field is diffusively coupled to the zero field. In a particle interpretation such systems describe particles switching between an active and a quiescent phase. We apply this concept to delay equations and derive three distinct classes of vector valued delay equations with quiescent phases showing different qualitative behavior. Quiescent phases leave stationary points unchanged but affect stability, oscillatory behavior, Hopf bifurcations, and periodic orbits. When all components of the solution vector go quiescent with the same rates, then quiescent phases act like damping. If different components go quiescent with different rates then there may be excitation phenomena: stable stationary points undergo Hopf bifurcations. In the case of two dependent variables exact conditions for these phenomena can be found.