Display Abstract

Title On Nonlocal Reductions of S-integrable Nonlinear Equations

Name Tihomir I Valchev
Country Ireland
Email Tihomir.Valchev@dit.ie
Submit Time 2014-02-15 10:46:59
Special Session 70: Nonlinear phenomena: Theory and applications
Recently an integrable nonlocal version of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation that could be of physical interest in the context of $PT$-symmetric optics has been proposed by Ablowitz and Musslimani. This motivated us to present here an adaptation of the gauge covariant formalism suited for local $S$-integrable equations. That will allow us to similarly treat nonlinear equations whose Lax pairs are subject to nonlocal reductions. A few examples to illustrate the general ideas shall be discussed in more detail.