Display Abstract

Title Nonlocal Hyperbolic and Parabolic Models for Self-Organised Biological Aggregations

Name Raluca Eftimie
Country Scotland
Email reftimie@maths.dundee.ac.uk
Co-Author(s) Pietro-Luciano Buono
Submit Time 2014-02-14 02:57:24
Special Session 74: Collective behaviour in biological and social aggregations
Parabolic and hyperbolic models have been used intensively over the past years to describe the formation and movement of self-organised biological aggregations. Here we use symmetry and bifurcation theory to investigate a class on nonlocal hyperbolic models and their parabolic counterparts. We show that the parabolic models exhibit a loss of bifurcation dynamics (i.e., loss of Hopf bifurcations) compared to the hyperbolic models (which can exhibit both codimension-1 and codimension-2 bifurcations: Hopf, steady-state, Hopf/Hopf, Hopf/steady-state and steady-state/steady-state bifurcations). This explains the less rich patterns exhibited by the parabolic equations for self-organised aggregations.