Display Abstract

Title Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination Programs

Name Elamin Elbasha
Country USA
Email elamin_elbasha@merck.com
Co-Author(s) Erik J. Dasbach
Submit Time 2014-02-12 10:40:39
Special Session 95: Modeling the spread and control of infectious diseases
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is used routinely to inform vaccination policy decisions. An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of a vaccination program aimed at controlling the spread of infections in a population represents a measure of how efficient that program may be in improving the health of a population. When estimating these ICERs, however, the traditional static approach used in CEA methods does not account for the potential herd-immunity/protection effects of vaccination. To account for these indirect effects of vaccination when estimating ICERs, we borrow from the field of mathematical infectious disease modeling to extend the traditional cost-effectiveness methods using a dynamic approach. We characterize the difference between the estimates of ICER of vaccination programs under the static and the dynamic approaches. We use a general SIRS (susceptible-infected-removed- susceptible) model featuring a vaccine with several properties. The special case of an SIR model with an all-or-nothing vaccine is studied analytically. We also numerically simulate the general model, trace the transient dynamics, and conduct a probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Measures of vaccine effects differ across the static and dynamic models. We find that the static model generates ICERs showing vaccination programs are less valuable (i.e., less efficient) in improving health than the dynamic model. This gap in efficiency is biggest for diseases with low basic reproduction numbers and grows with increases in vaccine cost, waning immunity, and decrement in quality of life from disease. Analytic results from this study suggest it may be possible to reduce this bias by adjusting ICERs generated by a static model to better approximate what the ICER may be for the dynamic model counterpart. We recommend, however, use of a dynamic model within a CEA when the vaccine is likely to have important effects on transmission.