Display Abstract

Title A game theoretical analysis of vaccination games

Name Jos\'{e} Martins
Country Portugal
Email jmmartins@ipleiria.pt
Co-Author(s) J. Martins, A. Pinto
Submit Time 2014-02-09 16:07:26
Special Session 84: Dynamics and games
In the definition of the course of an epidemic, vaccination plays a key role. If enough individuals are vaccinated the extinction threshold of the disease can be exceeded and the epidemic disappears. In the case of diseases for which vaccination is voluntary, people have to decide if the benefit of vaccination overcomes the morbidity risks of vaccine. The decision of each individual is also influenced by the decisions of all other people. In this work, we make a game theoretical analysis of the vaccination game to better understand the people decisions with respect to vaccination. Previous analyses were made considering the basic SIR model with vaccination. Here, we consider the SIRI model that incorporates the possibility of reinfection and the results obtained leads to a much more diverse human behavior. For epidemic models with multiple pathogen strains this analysis is a subtle challenge.