Display Abstract

Title A transcritical bifurcation in an immune response model

Name Bruno Oliveira
Country Portugal
Email bmpmo@fcna.up.pt
Co-Author(s) B.M.P.M. Oliveira, I.P. Figueiredo, A.A. Pinto, N.J. Burroughs
Submit Time 2014-02-09 16:05:03
Special Session 84: Dynamics and games
We study the immune response by T cells with the presence of regulatory T cells (Treg) using an ODE model. Tregs act mainly by inhibiting interleukine 2 secretion by T cells. We introduced an asymmetry reflecting that the difference between the growth and death rates can be higher for the active T cells and the active Tregs than for the inactive T cells and inactive Tregs. We obtain an explicit formula that gives the equilibria of the model. Furthermore, when model the correlation between the antigenic stimuli, we find a transcritical bifurcation that might explain two alternative scenarios: in one case the appearance of autoimmune responses and in another the suppression of the immune response.