Display Abstract

Title A concept of degree for multivalued perturbations of Fredholm maps in Banach spaces and its application to differential inclusions

Name Pierluigi Benevieri
Country Brazil
Email pluigi@ime.usp.br
Co-Author(s) Pietro Zecca, Universita' di firenze, Italia
Submit Time 2014-02-09 08:21:42
Special Session 67: Topological methods for the qualitative analysis of differential equations and inclusions
We present an integer valued topological degree theory for locally compact multivalued perturbations of Fredholm maps of index zero in Banach spaces. The construction is based on an infinite dimensional nortion of orientation for nonlinear Fredholm maps and by an analogous concept of degree for Fredholm maps of index zero. This theory is applied to existence and bifurcation problems for differential inclusions.