Display Abstract

Title Program control with probability one

Name Elena Karachanskaya
Country Russia
Email ekarachanskaya@mail.khstu.ru
Submit Time 2013-11-05 04:57:20
Special Session 16: Optimal control and its applications
Consider the stochastic dynamical non linear system with the Wiener process and the Poisson jumps: \begin{equation}\label{Puas1-vec2} \begin{array}{c} d {\bf x}(t)= \Bigl( P(t;{\bf x}(t)) + Q(t;{\bf x}(t)) \cdot {\bf s}(t;{\bf x}(t))\Bigr) dt + \\ + B(t;{\bf x}(t)) d {\bf w}(t)+ \displaystyle\int_{\Gamma } \Xi(t;{\bf x}(t);\gamma )\nu(dt;d\gamma ), \end{array} \end{equation} where ${\bf x}\in \bf{R}^{n}$, $n\geq 2$; ${\bf w} (t)$ is the $m-$dimensional Wiener process; $\nu(t;\Delta\gamma)$ is the homogeneous with respect to $t$ non centered Poisson measure. For such systems we construct the program control ${\bf s}(t;{\bf x}(t))$ with probability one (PCP1), which allows the system (\ref{Puas1-vec2}) to move on the given manifold $ \left\{g(t;{\bf x}(t))=0 \right\} $ for each $t\in [0;T]$, $T\leq \infty$. The control program ${\bf s}(t;{\bf x}(t))$ is solution for the algebraic system of linear equations. Considered method is based on the theory of the first integrals for stochastic differential equations systems.