Display Abstract

Title Contact homology and CPR3BP

Name Pedro A Salomao
Country Brazil
Email psalomao@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) U. Hryniewicz and A. Momin.
Submit Time 2014-06-06 11:31:51
Special Session 82: Celestial mechanics
I will talk about Reeb flows on the universally tight RP^3. If it admits a pair of periodic orbits forming a Hopf link $L$ and satisfying a certain non-resonance condition then there exist infinitely many periodic orbits with prescribed linking numbers with the components of $L$. The proof of this result makes use of contact homology in the complement of $L$. No global surface of section is assumed to exist. This generalizes Poincar\acute{e}-Birkhoff, so it has a natural application to the CPR3BP. This is joint work with U. Hryniewicz and A. Momin.