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Title Conditions for preserving convergence rates to equilibrium in perturbed differential equations with regularly varying nonlinearity of unit index

Name Denis D Patterson
Country Ireland
Email denis.patterson2@mail.dcu.ie
Co-Author(s) John Appleby
Submit Time 2014-05-21 14:13:48
Special Session 99: Asymptotic expansion for nonoscillatory solutions of differential and difference equations
We first consider the ODE \begin{align}\label{PODE} x'(t) = -f(x(t)) + g(t), \end{align} which is a perturbed version of the autonomous ODE $y'(t)=-f(y(t))$. We assume the unperturbed equation has a unique globally stable equilibrium at zero and under the assumption that $f \in RV_0(1)$ we construct, essentially, necessary and sufficient conditions on $g$ under which the rate of convergence to zero is preserved. Analogously, we define the perturbed SDE \begin{align}\label{PSDE} dX(t) = -f(X(t))dt + \sigma(t)dW(t), \end{align} where $W$ is a one dimensional Brownian motion. Once more, under the assumption that $f$ is regularly varying with unit index, our goal is to characterise conditions under which we preserve almost sure rates of decay to zero. The constructions of the above results are greatly abetted by the study of the auxiliary ODE \begin{align}\label{IPODE} z'(t) = -f(z(t)+\gamma(t)), \end{align} for a suitable forcing function $\gamma$. We refer to this as the internally perturbed equation and will discuss the utility and novelty of its study in advancing the solutions of our main problems. \par This talk will be based on research that was funded by the Irish Research Council under the project GOIPG/2013/402.