Display Abstract

Title Jet lag can be avoided? : an oscillator network model for the circadian clock

Name Hiroshi Kori
Country Japan
Email kori.hiroshi@ocha.ac.jp
Submit Time 2014-04-25 14:53:44
Special Session 122: Dynamics of networks in biology and chemistry
Jet-lag symptoms arise from temporal mismatch between the internal circadian clock and external solar time. We know by experience that it takes about one week to recover from jet lag (i.e., reentrainment) after a long-distance trip. A group including one of the author reported in [1] that, in mice lacking the receptors of a certain neurotransmitter (KO mice), circadian rhythms of behavior and clock gene expression rhythms immediately reentrained to phase-shifted light-dark (LD) cycles. Still, the internal clock of such mice works normally under standard conditions. Experiments indicate that oscillation of clock gene expression in wild type mice significantly weakened after a large phase shift, whereas that in KO mice is robust. To uncover the mechanism of jet lag symptoms, we constructed an oscillator network model for the circadian master clock (the suprachiasmatic nucleus, SCN).We show that weaker coupling results in a quick response to jet lag. [1] Y. Yamaguchi, T. Suzuki, Y. Mizoro, H. Kori, K. Okada, Y. Chen, J.M. Fustin, F. Yamazaki, N. Mizuguchi, J. Zhang, X. Dong, G. Tsujimoto, Y. Okuno, M. Doi, H. Okamura: Mice Genetically Deficient in Vasopressin V1a and V1b Receptors Are Resistant to Jet Lag, Science 342, pp. 85-90 (2013)