Display Abstract

Title Multiple Solutions to an Elliptic Problem Related to Vortex Pairs

Name Yi Li
Country USA
Email yi.li@wright.edu
Co-Author(s) Shuangjie Peng
Submit Time 2014-04-17 12:35:24
Special Session 46: Qualitative theory of differential equations and applications
We consider the problem \[ -\Delta u=\lambda(u-\phi)_{+}^{p-1},\quad x\in\Omega,\: u|_{\partial\Omega}=0 \] where $\Omega$ is a bounded domain in $R^{N}$, $\phi$ is a positive harmonic function in $\bar{\Omega}$. This problem is related to steady vortex pairs in an ideal fluid. Under the following condition: $\phi$ has $k$ ($k\geq1$) strictly local minimum points $\bar{z}_{1},\cdots,\bar{z}_{k}\in\partial\Omega$, we are able to prove the existence of a solution pair $(u_{\lambda},A_{\lambda})$ satisfying that the 'vortex core' (where $u_{\lambda}>\phi$) $A_{\lambda}$ has exactly $k$ components $A_{\lambda,j}$, $j=1,2,\cdots,k$ which shrink to the points $\bar{z}_{1},\cdots,\bar{z}_{k}$ respectively as $\lambda\rightarrow+\infty$. Moreover, $A_{\lambda,j}$ is approximately a ball with very precise estimates of $z_{j}-\bar{z}_{j}$ and $diam(A_{\lambda,j})$. (Joint work with Shuangjie Peng).