Display Abstract

Title Emergence of microstructural patterns and morphological changes in skin cancers

Name Martine Ben Amar
Country France
Email benamar@lps.ens.fr
Submit Time 2014-04-14 11:30:45
Special Session 62: Mathematical models of cell migration, tumor growth and cancer dynamics
Current diagnostic methods for skin cancers are based on some morphological characteristics of the pigmented skin lesions, including the geometry of their contour. We develop a model for the early growth of melanoma accounting for the biomechanical characteristics of the tumour micro-environment as well as the spatial distribution of tumour cells and diffusing molecules in a three-dimensional multiphase model. It incorporates general cell-to-cell mechanical interactions, a dependence of cell proliferation on contact inhibition, as well as a local diffusion of nutrients and inhibiting molecules. We derive a 2D model in a lubrication limit accounting for the thin geometry of the epidermis. Comparing the theoretical results with a large amount of clinical data we show that our predictions describe accurately both the morphology of melanoma observed in vivo and its variations with the tumour growth rate. We also explain the presence of microstructures (dots,nests) sparsely distributed within the tumour lesion. Finally, taking into account the skin structure in glabrous parts allows to recover the patterns in acral melanoma or naevi and I will discuss the biological implications that we can deduce from modelling such as cancer stem cells localization and senescence.