Display Abstract

Title Evolutionary quasi-variational inequalities and applications to a general Cournot-Nash priciple

Name Annamaria Barbagallo
Country Italy
Email annamaria.barbagallo@unina.it
Co-Author(s) Paolo Mauro
Submit Time 2014-04-14 04:50:11
Special Session 51: Variational analysis and applications to equilibrium problems
The aim of the talk is to study the dynamic oligopolistic market equilibrium problem in the realistic case in which we allow the presence of capacity constraints and production excesses and, moreover, we assume that the production function depends not only on the time but also on the equilibrium distribution. As a consequence, we introduce the generalized dynamic Cournot- Nash principle in the elastic case and prove the equivalence between this equilibrium definition and a suitable evolutionary quasi-variational inequality. For completeness we make the analysis of existence, regularity, and sensitivity of the solution. In the end, a numerical example is provided. References [1] A. Barbagallo and P. Mauro, A quasi-variational approach for the dynamic oligopolistic market equilibrium problem, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013 (2013), art. no. 952915. [2] A. Barbagallo and P. Mauro, A general quasi-variational formulation for an oligopolistic market equilibrium problem, submitted.