Display Abstract

Title A fourth order parabolic equation modeling epitaxial thin film growth

Name Michael Winkler
Country Germany
Email michael.winkler@math.upb.de
Submit Time 2014-04-12 10:30:06
Special Session 120: Linear and Nonlinear fourth order PDE's
We consider the Neumann problem for u_t=-\Delta^2 u - \mu\Delta u - \lambda \Delta |\nabla u|^2 + f(x) with $\mu\ge 0$ and $\lambda>0$ and a given source function $f$, which has been proposed as a model for the evolution of a thin surface when exposed to molecular beam epitaxy. Numerical simulations suggest that even in the spatially one-dimensional setting, this problem may admit solutions for which the negative part $u_-$ blows up with respect to the norm in $L^\infty$, whereas $u_+$ apparently enjoys comparatively strong boundedness properties. The goal of the presentation is to point out some mathematical challenges stemming from this, and to describe how nevertheless a basic theory on global existence of appropriately defined weak solutions can be established. Moreover, some additional integral estimates are derived for these solutions which indicate that indeed $u_+$ enjoys quite favorable regularity properties, whereas $u_-$ possibly might not. Finally, despite the lack of a genuine energy functional a statement on the large time behavior of solutions is presented under a suitable smallness condition on $\mu$ and $\|f\|_{L^\infty(\Omega)}$.