Display Abstract

Title Global Instability in The ERTBP

Name Amadeu Delshams
Country Spain
Email Amadeu.Delshams@upc.edu
Co-Author(s) Vadim Kaloshin, Abraham de la Rosa and Tere M. Seara
Submit Time 2014-04-07 18:51:19
Special Session 82: Celestial mechanics
The goal of this talk is to show the existence of global instability in the elliptic restricted three body problem (ERTBP). The main tool is to compute two different scattering maps associated to the infinity manifold, which behaves topologically as a normally hyperbolic invariant manifold (NHIM). The combination of both scattering maps allows us to build trajectories whose angular momentum increases arbitrarily. The computation of such scattering maps relies heavily on the computation of the Melnikov potential associated to the separatrix of the NHIM.