Display Abstract

Title A hybrid model for cell motility in angiogenesis

Name Nicoleta E Tarfulea
Country USA
Email ntarfule@purduecal.edu
Submit Time 2014-04-04 14:01:45
Special Session 62: Mathematical models of cell migration, tumor growth and cancer dynamics
The process of angiogenesis is regulated by the interactions between various cell types such as endothelial cells and macrophages, and by biochemical factors. In this talk, we present a hybrid mathematical model in which cells are treated as discrete units in a continuum field of a chemoattractant that evolves according to a system of reaction-diffusion equations, whereas the discrete cells serve as sources/sinks in this continuum field. It incorporates a realistic model for signal transduction and VEGF production and release, and gives insights into the aggregation patterns and the factors that influence stream formation. In particular, it serves as a tool for investigating tumor-vessel signaling and the role of mechano-chemical interactions of the cells with the substratum.